Ford Mercury Milan 2010 exchanged its
mechanical life for the life of the driver
“My Ford saved my life,” said Ms. Johnson,
who is currently recovering from the car accident. After being hit from behind
by a Mack truck, she was thrown into the next lane into the path of a garbage
truck, which then dragged her vehicle for a few seconds. Unable to disengage
her car, Ms. Johnson was then squeezed in between the garbage truck and the Mack
truck, all within the limits of her Ford Mercury Milan 2010.
“The rear window and trunk were the first
things to go,” Johnson said of her nightmare. “My seat and doors stayed
secure.” Although the vehicle was able to defend Johnson during the crash, it
is now a total loss expecting scrapping. The small Ford car was able to with
stand the forces created by two enormous trucks. Well, that is what we call a
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